Arrowhead Towne Mall and a Pedophile Logo?

Arrowhead Town Center is a mall in Glendale, AZ, proudly in business for over 20 years. Two stories high, Arrowhead has a variety of stores from Apple to Coach to Chipotle to JC Penny.

In light of recent events connected with convicted pedophile, Jeff Epstein to Anthony Weiner, John Podesta, the Clinton camp, and the sweeping of pedophile rings, the public is becoming more aware of the tactics and symbols used by pedophile rings.

So what does this have to do with Arrowhead Towne Center? Instead of telling you, I will show you.

Below are the FBI documented symbols that pedophiles use as one tool to communicate with one another. These symbols began to be documented in the late eighties and early nineties, approximately twenty plus years ago. Arrowhead chose one such symbol. Coincidence? Accident? Anything is as possible as displaying the impossible right in plain sight.

A scout in Glendale noticed an interesting connection with Arrowhead’s logo. In fact, it is plastered everywhere. Well, see for yourself.

I contacted Macerich, the company which owns Arrowhead Towne Center, by way of email, asking them if they would like to provide a statement regarding the use of this symbol as their logo.

Their VP of Corporate Communications offered this statement:

Good afternoon, Karen. Thank you for reaching out to us.

Arrowhead Towne Center has used this logo for more than 20 years. Recently we were made aware of the similarity and, as we do not condone any association, are discussing next steps internally.”

Karen Maurer | AVP, Corporate Communications

I must admit I was expecting a different response. Expertly studied in the linguistics of innocence, I thought surely, Arrowhead would insist that the logo was a representation of the native culture of the area and insist that any similarity was merely coincidence. What would sunshine rays around an arrowhead represent?

Instead, they are seemingly willing and considering pouring a decent amount of money into possibly changing something they’ve displayed for twenty years, a convenient timeline. This would entail changing all of their signage, letterhead and so much more.

Furthermore, a search of registered sex offenders in the area is alarmingly high.

First, note the color code reference that is yellow and what offense it represents.

Now a map of how many sex offenders are residing in the vicinity of this mall and how many of them are convicted rapists (check the chart above for yellow). Another coincidence? Or a center for a pedophile ring?

There is Peoria Eighty Three’s odd collage advertisement.

And to top it off, there are the Montessori schools not too far away from Arrowhead:

Heritage Montessori School

Sunset Montessori School

Again, coincidence? Absolutely possible. There is no official, factual connection. To be objective, this is merely a look at a symbol that is questionable.

According to City Data research of Arizona and other state lists there were 188 registered sex offenders living in Glendale as of February 17, 2017.

I urge those of you who support this cause to look closely into your community. Do so with eyes of clarity and an awareness of your intuition, as opposed to paranoia or panic. If we stay educated and aware, we will stay on their toes.

As for Arrowhead, I accuse them of nothing except having an all too similar symbol as their logo. I also wonder if there are tunnels beneath the mall. Just a curiousity.

Karen Donovan

freelance writer